
WriteGood is easy to use and has customization options.

Creating and Instance

var checker = new WriteGood.Checker ();
checker.set_language ("en_US");
checker.attach (view);

new WriteGood.Checker () creates a new instance of WriteGood.

checker.set_language ("en_US") changes the language to US English.

checker.attach (view) attaches the WriteGood instance to the provided Gtk.TextView.

Enabling or Disabling Checks

public bool check_passive_voice { get; set; default = true; }
public bool check_weasel_words { get; set; default = true; }
public bool check_weak_words_and_adverbs { get; set; default = true; }
public bool check_wordy_words { get; set; default = true; }
public bool check_lexical_illusions { get; set; default = true; }
public bool check_hard_sentences { get; set; default = true; }

The WriteGood instance exposes bools that disable and enable the different checks. By default, all the checks are true.

Tool Tips or Menu?

public bool show_tooltip { get; set; default = false; }
public bool show_menu_item { get; set; default = true; }

By default, the user has to right-click on the highlighted text to learn what the issue is. This can be changed by setting show_tooltip to true and setting show_menu_item to false.

Highlight or Underline

public WriteGoodChecker (bool underline = true, bool highlight = true);

By default, WriteGood will underline and highlight suggestions. In the constructor, underlining and highlighting can be adjusted.

Running a Check

// WriteGood doesn't auto-check for changes, may be too compute heavy for large docs
// Probably don't do this, and use a Timeout, but yeah... just an example
buffer.changed.connect (() => {
    checker.recheck_all ();

recheck_all () runs the enabled checks on the contents of the TextView buffer.

Detach or Turn Off WriteGood

checker.detach ();

Calling detach () removes all WriteGood highlighting or underlining from the TextView. WriteGood will derefernce both the TextView and TextBuffer.